Sunday, April 2, 2017

Animoto: Investigate the natural world

Animoto was a fun tool to learn how to use. I especially loved how simple and easy it was to learn how to use. Another reason why I loved using Animoto is because it already has slideshow videos put together for you, all you have to do is add photos and some text and it creates your slideshow video for you! Okay, how cool is that? This tool allows us to present information in a unique way, as a teacher this is extremely helpful because it can get boring for students to just listen to us lecturing all day. It might even be a great idea to have the students make an Animoto and present a lesson so the students aren't always just learning from you but from each other as well, and if they are the ones teaching they will definitely learn something. I think this is especially useful in the older grades.
I used this tool to make a series of four videos about rocks, soil, and water. There are so many different ways to present information in your classroom and this tool will help you as the teacher present a lesson in a way that will keep things interesting in the classroom. I also love this tool because you can reuse the videos you made for years to come. Students will also have access to these videos outside of the classroom so they can review what we have learned in class at home.
This is a great tool to teach students how to use because it is so simple and easy to use. I will also use this tool in my classroom to test students on their knowledge in a non formal way. After being taught a lesson my students will create an Animoto to show what they have learned from that specific lesson. This will help me as a teacher see what information I might need to reteach. I definitely suggest experimenting with this tool and using it the classroom

Science Standard 2: Grade 1
Earth and Space Science. Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement, and weather.
Objective 1: Investigate the natural world including rock, soil, and water.
a. Observe, compare, describe, and sort components of soil by size, texture, and color.
b. Identify and describe a variety of natural sources of water, including streams, lakes, and oceans.

ISTE: Knowledge Constructor 
I critically select, evaluate, and synthesis digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

Educational Technology Standard 8:
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5,6)

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