I used Tiki-Toki to help 1st graders identify some

of our national symbols and Utah symbols. The timeline I put together not only allows the students to look at pictures of each symbol bit it also allows the students to see how long each symbol has been around along with additional information about each symbol. The students are only expected to identify the symbols but the timeline gives them more information if they are interested. At first I had a hard time figuring out what to teach my 1st grade students while using this tool since many of our subjects don't go into great detail with dates. However, Tiki-Toki is a great tool to use when teaching about different dates in history. If I was a 4th or 5th grade teacher I would probably use this tool a ton, especially while teaching about Utah history, and the students would also be able to make their own Tiki-Toki timeline showing what they know about Utah history. This being said, Tiki-Toki is not my first tool of choice to use in a 1st grade classroom. I also felt that this tool was a bit more complicated to use than other tools and my students in my classroom might have a harder time using this tool, however this does not mean they cannot be exposed to this tool and doesn't mean they cannot learn how to use this tool.
Social Studies Standard 2: Grade 1
(citizenship): Students will recognize their roles and responsibilities in the school and in the neighborhood.
Objective 3: Name school, neighborhood, Utah State, and national symbols, landmarks, and documents.
c. Identify Utah state symbols, documents, and landmarks
d. Identify national symbols, documents, and landmarks (e.g., Declaration of Independence, U.S constitution, Liberty Bell, Washington Monument).
ISTE: Global Collaborator
I strive to broaden my perspective, understand others and work effectively in teams using digital tools.
Educational Technology Standard 8:
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5,6)
Timeline:Symbols of Utah & our Nation