Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Blog #4 UDL Representation

  1. How can Principle 1: Multiple Means of Representation be effectively integrated into your teaching? Multiple Means of Representation in the classroom is about how each child learns in a different way specifically how they perceive and comprehend information that is given to them. As a teacher it is important to use different teaching strategies and give students multiple options for how they want to show their learning. I could do this by providing different options for perception; for example I could use a powerpoint to teach my class in my powerpoint I could use text, pictures, and videos to help teach my students about one concept. I can also provide different options for symbols and language; for example I could use pictures and words to define a vocabulary word. I can also use sentences to define a word and have the students try and figure out what the word means. Students can use technology to help them define a word, they can play interactive games with audio or without audio to help them learn. And last, as a teacher I can provide different options for comprehension; for example some students may need a step by step printed out instruction sheet for an assignment while another student may just need to hear the instructions and another may be able to look at objects and figure out what they are suppose to do on their own. Each student is different and all need to be given multiple options and multiple tools to use to learn the objective. 
  2. How will this help your students? This will help my students be excited to learn and will help them stay engaged while learning. Giving students Multiple Means of Representation will help them develop a love for learning and they will be the successful ones. My students will gain confidence in learning and sharing what they learn because I integrate this is my teaching. This will also help my students explore different ways they enjoy learning. 
  3. What are your goals with regard to this topic? My goals are too learn more about different ways to effectively integrate Multiple Means of Representation, practice using these different tools myself, and use them in my future classroom. We learned how to use the Stop Motion app in class and created a story while teaching math and this is something I want to do with my students. It was a fun interactive way to show what you have learned. 

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