Wednesday, January 10, 2018

All About Me

My name is Makenzie Whatcott. I was born and raised in Utah County. I grew up with a Mother and Father and three siblings. My brother and I are the youngest of the family and we are only seven minutes apart. I have been married for about a year and a half now and can't wait to grow our own little family. My husband and I met in Jr. High and started dating the summer after we graduated High School. We enjoy spending time with our families and being outdoors. Some of our favorite activities are hiking, running, camping and boating. We live for warm weather and the outdoors. I have always loved children and I especially love playing with my nieces and nephews.

I have wanted to become a professional teacher since I was in Preschool. I still remember the day I decided I wanted to become a teacher. We had a "career day" where we visited many of our parents at their jobs. After the career day we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up, and with no hesitation I responded "a teacher". (Above is a picture of me in Preschool deciding I am going to be a teacher). I have thought about many other career options since then and I have tried different internships to help me decide what career path is for me and I always go back to becoming a professional teacher. I am excited to learn what it means to be a professional teacher and I feel privileged to be apart of the Elementary Education Program at Utah Valley University.

My goals for this course consist of:
-Attending all class sessions & arriving on time.
-Completing all course materials on time & with my best work.
-Learning how to use technology in the classroom to help meet the needs of all students.
-I hope to discover a few of my favorite tools to use in my future classroom.

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