Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Blog #4 UDL Representation

  1. How can Principle 1: Multiple Means of Representation be effectively integrated into your teaching? Multiple Means of Representation in the classroom is about how each child learns in a different way specifically how they perceive and comprehend information that is given to them. As a teacher it is important to use different teaching strategies and give students multiple options for how they want to show their learning. I could do this by providing different options for perception; for example I could use a powerpoint to teach my class in my powerpoint I could use text, pictures, and videos to help teach my students about one concept. I can also provide different options for symbols and language; for example I could use pictures and words to define a vocabulary word. I can also use sentences to define a word and have the students try and figure out what the word means. Students can use technology to help them define a word, they can play interactive games with audio or without audio to help them learn. And last, as a teacher I can provide different options for comprehension; for example some students may need a step by step printed out instruction sheet for an assignment while another student may just need to hear the instructions and another may be able to look at objects and figure out what they are suppose to do on their own. Each student is different and all need to be given multiple options and multiple tools to use to learn the objective. 
  2. How will this help your students? This will help my students be excited to learn and will help them stay engaged while learning. Giving students Multiple Means of Representation will help them develop a love for learning and they will be the successful ones. My students will gain confidence in learning and sharing what they learn because I integrate this is my teaching. This will also help my students explore different ways they enjoy learning. 
  3. What are your goals with regard to this topic? My goals are too learn more about different ways to effectively integrate Multiple Means of Representation, practice using these different tools myself, and use them in my future classroom. We learned how to use the Stop Motion app in class and created a story while teaching math and this is something I want to do with my students. It was a fun interactive way to show what you have learned. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Blog #3 Digital Citizenship

  1. Why is it important to teach digital citizenship?
It is important to teach digital citizenship so that students can understand how to make appropriate choices while using a digital tool. It is also important for them to understand the importance of keeping information private. Students will also learn how to respect themselves and others while using their digital tool. They will learn the importance of not sharing their passwords with others and the importance of reporting any type of bullying they might see while using their device.  Finally, it is important to teach digital citizenship because students learn how to give credit to the sources they use. Students in classrooms are being exposed to all sorts of different digital tools that will help them learn in the classroom, therefore, it is important that they understand how to use these tools appropriately. 

  1. How might you teach digital citizenship in an elementary classroom?
I might start a discussion with the class about using digital tools by asking them what they think some appropriate choices might be while using a digital tool. We would brainstorm as a class and I will write down ideas on the board. I would then lead into a discussion about bullying and how bullying is not an appropriate way to use their digital tool and that they must report any bullying. This can also lead into learning about respecting themselves and others while using their digital tool. I would try to find a book to read to the class that demonstrates what it means to respect yourself and others. As we begin to use these digital tools in the classroom the students will have to create passwords and we will discuss the importance of not sharing your password with anyone else. After we learned and discussed some of these things I might have my class create a story using StoryBird where they can demonstrate what they learned about digital citizenship. Once they create a StoryBird I will teach them how to credit the sources they used. 

Note: below is a link to Alpine School Districts policies on digital tools. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Blog #2 Standards and PLNs

Twitter Handle: KenzieWhatcott
Symbaloo: Instructional Media
UEN: The three resources I found helpful on UEN are:
1. The Lesson Plan Creation link
2. The Rubric Creation
3. The Calendar
I think it is awesome that UEN has these links on the front page. They are easy to find and use. I also think the Suicide Prevention Training link is an important one, it helps teachers to remember to do the training and it is also a reminder to be thinking about those things just when you see the link on the home page.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Equity & UDL: Recruiting Interest

  1. What does the research say about this? We talked about technology equity and Universal Design for Learning. Research shows that equity and equality are not the same, what one person needs is not always the same as what the other person needs. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) research helps us know how to maximize learning for ALL students. If we break down UDL into different parts we understand that the word universal means teaching curriculum that can be understood by everyone, the word Learning is the different parts of the brain we use that help us learn the what, why, and how's, and the design is about making the curriculum flexible and being able to fit it to everyones needs. 
  2. How can this be effectively integrated into your teaching? I loved what they said at the beginning of the video clip we watched in class "the way people learn is as unique as their fingertips." All classrooms have diversity, every child is different. We need to think about what we want our students to know, feel, and do and figure out what the barriers are in our classrooms so we can help them learn. Because of the diversity in classrooms research says to provide multiple means of representation, provide multiple means of action and expression, and provide multiple means of engagement to help ALL students learn. 
  3. How will this help your students? When we show the curriculum in different ways, allow students to approach learning, and offer options to students they will have a greater learning experience. 
  4. What are your goals with regard to this topic? My goal is to get to know each of my students and their needs so that I can figure out what I want them to know, feel, and do and to also be good at finding the barriers that hinder them from learning. I want my students to love learning and so I want to be good at providing multiple means of engagement so that ALL my students can succeed.  
  5. How does this shape your vision for empowered learning for your students? It gets me excited to learn new tools and ways to teach my students so that they can have different choices and more learning opportunites. It helps me see that although every child may learn differently, they can all be engaged in learning. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

All About Me

My name is Makenzie Whatcott. I was born and raised in Utah County. I grew up with a Mother and Father and three siblings. My brother and I are the youngest of the family and we are only seven minutes apart. I have been married for about a year and a half now and can't wait to grow our own little family. My husband and I met in Jr. High and started dating the summer after we graduated High School. We enjoy spending time with our families and being outdoors. Some of our favorite activities are hiking, running, camping and boating. We live for warm weather and the outdoors. I have always loved children and I especially love playing with my nieces and nephews.

I have wanted to become a professional teacher since I was in Preschool. I still remember the day I decided I wanted to become a teacher. We had a "career day" where we visited many of our parents at their jobs. After the career day we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up, and with no hesitation I responded "a teacher". (Above is a picture of me in Preschool deciding I am going to be a teacher). I have thought about many other career options since then and I have tried different internships to help me decide what career path is for me and I always go back to becoming a professional teacher. I am excited to learn what it means to be a professional teacher and I feel privileged to be apart of the Elementary Education Program at Utah Valley University.

My goals for this course consist of:
-Attending all class sessions & arriving on time.
-Completing all course materials on time & with my best work.
-Learning how to use technology in the classroom to help meet the needs of all students.
-I hope to discover a few of my favorite tools to use in my future classroom.