have a group discussion on their favorite book they read over the summer. As a class we got to see what books the students enjoyed reading and which books were the most popular. Each student got to briefly retell the story of the book they read over the summer demonstrating they they understood the message/lesson their book was portraying.
Answer Garden is a great tool to use when trying to get feedback from your students. It is a fun and interactive way to help students feel comfortable sharing what they have learned. Answer Garden is an easy way to show the whole class what other students are learning, or in our case what other books students enjoy reading.
I will use this tool in my future class for assessments, to discover what my class already knows about a certain subject, or to have brainstorming activities.

Reading Literature Standard 2: English Language Arts Grade 1
Objective: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
ISTE: Global Collaborator
I strive to broaden my perspective, understand others and work effectively in teams using digital tools.
Educational Technology Standard 6:
Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests. (4)
Teaching Ideas: Answer Garden's Classroom Discussion